Qb Test

Qb Test is an FDA cleared advanced computer-based test that objectively measures core ADHD symptoms including activity, attention, and impulsivity.

While standardized tests and parent/teacher surveys are an important piece of the evaluation process, there are many reasons why an individual may show signs of inattention. Qb Test allows us to gather objective data on an individual's levels of:

Inattention - the extent to which someone can remain focused on a task

Hyperactivity - the amount of movement, like tapping foot, bouncing leg, fidgeting

Impulsivity - lack of impulse control, like interrupting other when talking, or blurting out answers in class 

What to expect:

Qb Test is performed in front of a computer screen and is intentionally a very boring task that requires focus and attention. The test evaluates the individuals capacity to stay attentive to the task while refraining from impulsive button presses during blank screen intervals or when the target symbol isn't present. Activity is measured using an infrared sensor and a headband. The sensor tracks the movement of the headband during the 15-20 minute test. The results show the examinee's performance and compares them against a norm group of other individuals of the same sex and age who do not have ADHD.