Testing for Dysgraphia

Diagnostic Learning Services offers specific evaluations to assess for dysgraphia in children and adults.

Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects fine motor skills like handwriting, buttoning a shirt, or cutting food.

It also impacts the mental processes associated with writing, like picking a topic, organizing ideas, and making a coherent point.

Signs and Symptoms

  • May have illegible printing and cursive writing (despite appropriate time and attention given to the task)

  • Shows inconsistencies: mixtures of print and cursive, upper and lower case, or irregular sizes, shapes or slant of letters

  • Has unfinished words or letters, omitted words

  • Inconsistent spacing between words and letters

  • Exhibits strange wrist, body or paper position

  • Has difficulty pre-visualizing letter formation

  • Copying or writing is slow or labored

  • Shows poor spatial planning on paper

  • Has cramped or unusual grip/may complain of sore hand

  • Has great difficulty thinking and writing at the same time (taking notes, creative writing.)

Call today for more information about how we assess and diagnose dysgraphia.


Diagnostic Learning Services has been assessing adults and children since 2004